Our list of Beauty Queens

By Angel Nuñez

The excitement of the Costa Maya Beauty Pageant has come and gone but now just around the corner is the Miss San Pedro Beauty Pageant. This year Belize Celebrates in grand style as it will be the Silver Anniversary or 25th anniversary of our Belizean Independence I understand that Reef Radio is attempting to bring together all the past queens for a silver anniversary float. Good idea and good luck. Well here is my recollection list of queens for your enjoyment.
1955 – The first queen ever to be selected is Leni Aguilar Alamilla, mother of Leni Nuñez, Lucy Marin and Chabby Ayuso.
1961 – Nobody revived the event for some years until Addy Castillo Gomez (Chico’s wife) took the crown in the second popularity contest.
1962 – It was Chabby Nuñez who was quite a popular young lady at the time as she was daughter of well-known personality, Fido Nuñez.
1963 – Neydy Alamilla Salazar charmed the audience and took the crown.
1964 – Flora Graniel Ancona charmed all the boys and charmed the audience in a hotly contested pageant. Then she charmed Manuel Ancona. (Note: She crowned for two successive years.
1965 – Marcelina Marin Graniel – She seemed like a shy young lady but on stage she was quite a model.
1966 – Marcia Dawson – Quite a charming young lady, got married and now living in the U.S.A. (Our research could not come up with the queens of 1967, 68, and 69)
1970 – Ermita Castillo, a very popular young lady at the time. Now in England
1971 – Neydy Henkis Romero – Her mom is Marleni Gutierrez, but she has lived in Belize City most of her life.
1972 – Dorita Graniel Gonzalez – Gets the crown.
1973 – Maria Luz Heredia Azueta, short, petite, but quite a model on stage.
1974 – Odilia Nunez Salazar – was crowned when in high school just before her graduation.
1975 – Nita Maria Gonzalez Matayoshi – Daughter of Jose and Sylvia Gonzalez.
1976 – Vicky Arceo, sister of Patty Arceo and all the rest of the clan. Living abroad.
1977 – Elsa Paz, still a lovely queen, single and looking. Now Mayor of San Pedro
1978 – Yolanda Gutierrez Zapata – this year swim suits were used for the first time.
1979 – Lily Paz Nuñez – a charming young lady, she loved pageantry and still active coaching young ladies in the dance company.
1980 – Estrella Nuñez Castañeda, daughter of renowned Ramon Nuñez, a sure winner.
1981 – The year of Independence- Miss Daly Guerrero
1982 – Daly Guerrero again as nobody wanted to compete that year. Bunch of chickens!
1983 – Olguita Bardalez married to Mr. Waight and in Belize City.
1985 – Miss Mini Squires, what a beauty and famous with the Sunshine Dancers
1986 – Flor Marin Nunez – Look carefully, she still looks like a queen.
1987 – Fiona Elliott – She is Amanda’s little sister, also famous with the Sunshine Dancers.
1988 – Wilemita Alamilla Gonzalez – looked like a model and still does. Now a model mother.
1989 – Martha Sabido – was active in many things and had to get into pageantry.
1990 – Yvette Graniel – She had the smile of a queen and possessed the hearts of many kings.
1991 – Karen Waight – that lovely smile took the hearts of the judges and the entire town.
1992 – Elisa Guerrero – She was Miss Popularity throughout her high school days and had to take the crown. It was unanimous.
1993 – Yoli Aguilar – She was the shortest on stage, but had what was needed to take the hearts of the judges and the yelling audience.
1994 – Suyapa Sosa – great looks and good speech did the trick for her
1995 – Ceci Lara won the hearts of all Sanpedranos and judges.
1996 – Jocelyn Bremekamp won overwhelmingly the Miss San Pedro Title
1997 – Vanya Vasquez Nuñez took the honors
1998 – Norma Flota Graniel surprised everyone with glamour and gracefulness
1999 – Delia Alamilla Alamilla did it one year before the end of the millennium
2000 – Adaly Guerrero Ayuso was the last queen for the century
2001 – Dilcia Trejo was the first queen for the new century
2002 – Jenine Haylock captured the applause and the title
2003 – Tatiana Rivero graced the stage with her beauty and grandeur
2004 – Roxanna Bradley surprised the other contestants and won it easily.
2005 – Lety Lara – She repeated the win for her sister Ceci and became a crowd favorite for one full year and still is a favorite.
2006 – Liliana Nuñez -won overwhelmingly the Miss San Pedro Title
2007 – Angela Alamilla -took the honors
2008 –Lizette Vasquez -took the honors
2009 –Raquel Badillo -that lovely smile took the hearts of the judges and the entire town.
2010 –Natasha Stuart -captured the applause and the title
2011 –Yakarelis Hernandez -won the hearts of all Sanpedranos and judges.
2012 – Naiely Puc -She had the smile of a queen and possessed the hearts of many kings.

All of these girls, ladies and mothers and grandmothers are still beautiful inside and outside. Their husbands (boyfriends) should be proud of them. Ambergris Today salutes them all and congratulates them for a job well done.

25 Years Ago Books Can Be Purchased At:
-Ambergris Today -Lala’s Store -Chico’s Meat Shop -Pampered Paws -Ambergris Jade -San Pedro BTB Office -Aquarius Salon (Kim) -S.P. Town Library -Di Bush –Richie’s Stationery -San Pedrano’s Stationery -Rum, Coffee & Cigar House
Contact the Author at: nunez_nest@yahoo.com

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