Hot Flour Tortillas for Recess

By Angel Nuñez

This week we heard some arguments over the Reef Radio Morning Show about the vendors that go to the Roman Catholic School to offer goodies to the children. It was very interesting to hear views in favor of the vendors who are giving the children a service. However some persons think that a lot of junk like candy and corn chips are being offered for recess and lunch breaks. I know you have your own views, depending on what side of the fence you find yourself.

Let me tell you the feeding practice used twenty five years ago to use as a comparative tool. In the 50’s when I was in the R.C. School, which was located near Estel’s Dining by the Sea, we had a nice program. The school appointed about five parents to bake some flour tortillas just before 10a.m. for recess. This was to treat some 150 children. At recess time, the parents brought hot flour tortillas with butter and each child got one. Boy, as I mention this, my mouth starts to water for a hot tortilla.

Also, just before recess, teachers were appointed to mix two four-gallon buckets of powdered milk (Klim) which was also given to the children. Each child was required to bring a small plastic cup for this milk. No sharing was allowed, though I must admit we did share our cups with our friends. How can you deny the use of your cup to a friend, especially if it was a girl? You got it?

This was a real nice treat for the school children. At times some parents chose to do Johnny cakes instead. And also for variety, some kids brought a little bit of red pop like Fanta to add to the milk for a variety in flavor.  

Now what do you think? Do you think this program could be implemented today, using more parents, of course? It could be two parents per class for one week and then you alternate. This would get rid of the problem with vendors, and the children would enjoy a tasty healthy treat from the family. If it worked twenty five years ago without electric ovens, it would surely work much easier today. Just a kind thought from the author of Twenty Five Years Ago.

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