Mr. Dan Dawson -Un Orgullo Sanpedrano

By Angel Nuñez

His name is Daniel Dawson but everyone called him Mr. Dan.  He came to San Pedro from Punta Gorda in southern Belize way back in the 1960’s and did fishing for a living.  But Mr. Dan’s passion was for repairing outboard motors and he came at a most fortunate time when outboard motors were replacing the sailing boats. Every fisherman at the time was equipping himself with an outboard motor- 5, 10, 15 and 25 horsepower Evinrude and Johnson outboard motors. Whenever the motor was giving some kind of trouble, they were simply taken to Mr. Dan’s mechanic shop where he would break it down to its last nut and bolt.  People were amazed at how he could dismantle a motor into a million pieces and put it back together ready to go again.

And then around 1965 Caribeña Fishing Co-operative established its processing plant in San Pedro to process lobster, shrimp, conch and fish and export it to the United States of America. This required huge generators, ice making plants, chilling rooms, freezing rooms, water pumps and even vehicles.  You guessed it right!  Mr. Dan Dawson was “The Man” to keep these machines running smoothly. To do this Mr. Dan was up and working from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and many times on Saturdays and Sundays also.
It is because there was nobody else to do the job that Mr. Dan assumed that noble responsibility with honor and dignity.  He was all smiles, all friendly, and all willing to lend a helping hand when most needed.

Mr. Dan came to San Pedro from PG along with is wife Clementina and a few children while others were born in San Pedro.  Among his many children are Vincent Dawson, Daniel Dawson, Valerie, Marcia, Concha, Lucy, Hildy and Jacqui.  Today there are many grandchildren of his who are integral citizens in our community including, Carlo Rivero, Julian, Cesar, Johnnia and Jannellie Rivero; Vincent and Martin Dawson; Jason, Smiley and Genaro Nuñez, Candice,  among others.  To them all we say be proud of your grandfather Mr. Dan because he is truly “UN ORGULLO SANPEDRANO” (A pride of San Pedro)

By Angel Nuñez

Twenty Five Years Ago-Mr. Dan DawsonTwenty Five Years Ago-Mr. Dan Dawson

25 Years Ago Books Can Be Purchased At:
-Ambergris Today -Lala’s Store -Chico’s Meat Shop -Pampered Paws -Ambergris Jade -San Pedro BTB Office -Aquarious Salon (Kim) -S.P. Town Library -Di Bush -Richies Stationery -San Pedrano’s Stationery

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