By Angel Nuñez
In last week’s issue of Twenty Five Years Ago about the first families of Ambergris Caye, I tried to include as many names which I compiled from my readings of Danny Vasquez’s book and from narrations of my father and grandfather. Most of the names sound familiar to me and to most people over sixty years of age in San Pedro. I am happy to know that there have been readings from Corozal, Cayo USA and even from Guatemala. A teenage friend of mine now living in Los Angeles USA wrote to me saying that she read it intently hoping to find the family name of Sanchez in the article? I am delighted that friends from Corozal who are related to Danny have sent some photos to add to this story which is a collector’s item. (See last week in archives)
After Danny left San Pedro, he operated the Palace Hotel and Bar in Belize City with his son Dato Vasquez, and then retired at his property at Tropical Park with his daughter Elisa Vasquez King, just outside Belize City. He visited San Pedro often and during one of his visits with my father, Rafael Nuñez, he taught me to play the saxophone. He was an extremely cordial man and fun to talk to as he was a wealth of knowledge.
Here is a brief letter sent to 25 Years Ago:
Angel Nuñez’s article on the first families of San Pedro is very interesting and familiar to us. We are the children of Néstor Vásquez, the brother of Danny Vásquez. We are proud to be descendants of original San Pedro families. We’re attaching a few pictures that feature some of the people that contributed to the development of San Pedro.
Photo titled “San Pedro Men’s Group” (Above) -Standing front left is Alfonso Lopez. On far right is Claudio Azueta. Left of Claudio Azueta is Miguel Alamilla. Kneeling in the center is Reynaldo Muñoz. Next to him is Macas Reyes. Can anyone recognize any other of the men, the workforce of early San Pedro?
Photo titled “San Pedro Carnaval”-From left to right is Don Us (Eusebio). Danny Vásquez is standing in the middle dressed like Uncle Sam and to the far right is Nestor Vásquez dressed like a baker.
Photo titled “San Pedro Band”– Standing in the back is Danny Vásquez with the saxophone and next to him is his brother Néstor Vásquez with the clarinet. Playing the trombone is Tomas Paz and the trumpet is Claudio Azueta. At the drums is the famous Mr. Alan ‘Jack’ Forman and at the horn is the legendary don Severo Guerrero who owned La Ensenada Cocal also known as San Telmo. Behind the banjo is Carlos ‘Calin’ Marin. According to Danny, he named this dance band Monte Carlo, not after the famous French resort but after a popular Mexican cigarette because a friend of his in Belize City had a band named after a cigarette, Lucky Strike Band.
Thank you for honoring the history of old San Pedro through articles and photos!
Luz Vásquez Clarke and Ruby Vásquez Gillett (End of letter with additions by the Author)
The author would like to apologize if any family name has not been included and would like to solicit photos that might add to the story of the first families and the rich history of San Pedro, Ambergris Caye.
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The First Families In San Pedro (Part 3)
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