Four Strange Home Remedies used in the Village Of San Pedro

By Angel Nuñez
I am supposed to actually write about Village Life early morning to continue last week’s episode, but something came up so here it goes?  Actually this popped up in conversation with a friend and I assured her that we actually did that and that it worked too.

Whenever we get a large wound like a gash with a sharp conch shell, or a deep cut with a sharp knife or machete, if there is severe bleeding apply direct pressure or tourniquet but that is because we have some knowledge of First Aid.  Not so Years Ago in San Pedro.  To stop a profuse bleeding we used to apply kerosene (some people call it gas) directly on the wound. This would start coagulating the blood and the bleeding would immediately commence to slow down.

Another thing that would help in stopping a severe bleeding was coffee.  Yes simply apply some granules of coffee directly on the wound and stuff some into the cut. Like good caulking preventing any leakage, this coffee serves like a caulk and stops the bleeding considerably fast.

Now the injury you got earlier in the day is beginning to cause quite some pain.  So what do you do?  You immediately go to the doctor and an injection of some pain killer (analgesic) will have you smiling again shortly.  Not so Years Ago in San Pedro.  What we did was try to catch a scorpion in the debris in the yard.  Fry the scorpion and smash it to a fine paste.  Apply this paste like an ointment directly on the wound that is causing the pain, and in minutes the pain diminishes and vanishes.  Magic?  No, but it works; my dad applied it several times on my adventurous feet that loved to be meander about in the bush, the seaside, the garbage dump site, and other “child attractive places”.

Four Strange Home Remedies used in the Village Of San Pedro

For a severe toothache?   Rush to your dentist for some analgesic.  A small dose of morphine will bring back your smile and possible sleep.  Home remedies included in today’s goggle search include cloves, garlic and guava leaves.  However, Years Ago in San Pedro mom and dad quickly resorted to a cigarette for the smoke or the tobacco.  You have to take a deep puff and keep the smoke in your mouth for a while.  Similarly you can take the tobacco and stuff it in the tooth cavity and ‘Bingo’ the horrendous toothache will be gone shortly.

These are just some quick home remedies that folks found out to work Years Ago in San Pedro.  And there are more, for headache on forehead, migraine, and stomach gas, among others.  Welcome again next week for more on early morning village life in the fishing village of San Pedro 1950’s.

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