“Don Jose” Needs Your Help!

Mr. Jose Gregorio Najera affectionately known by most island residents as “Don Jose” is in need of a second bi-pass surgery to install a new heart pace-maker. He is asking the kind residents of San Pedro for their help so that he can raise enough money for him to undergo this much needed surgery.

Don Jose, as we all know, is a kind man and is known for selling Clorox around town. He has been living in San Pedro for over 25 years, is a Belizean National and has no relatives here. He is raffling the golf cart he owns so that he can raise enough money for the surgery. He needs approximately $5,000 which will cover for the pace maker and surgery fee.

Raffle tickets are for $10 and the date of the raffle is yet to be announced. You can purchase your tickets at the Ambergris Today Office or with Don Jose when you see him around town.
Jose Najera raffles golf cart

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