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Mangrove Seedlings Available

Do you need to replant a mangrove?  Have a program to repair a problem area?  Want to start a mangrove area on an island?  How about hundreds of seedlings FREE!
About 2 months ago now, the beautiful black mangroves along the water line of the Marco Gonzalez Archaeological Reserve dropped its’ annual seeds.  There are now hundreds of sprouts about 6” to 8” tall which are in the way of our tour path.  It would be a shame to pull them up and destroy when someone in need can come harvest the seedlings and replant to beautify a new area.  
If you are interested in doing this, please contact Jan Brown, 662-2725/226-2059 for information.  “Fish really do grow on trees in San Pedro”.    

/s/ Jan Brown

Mangrove SeedlingsMangrove Seedlings

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