SP Cancer Society to Hold 3rd Annual Blood Drive

The San Pedro Cancer Society would like to inform the public of its 3rd Annual Blood Drive which will be held on Saturday, February 11, 2012, at the San Carlos Medical Center on Pescador Drive next to the Reef Restaurant from 8:00 a.m.

The San Pedro Cancer Society is once again teaming up with the Belize National Blood Transfusion Service for a blood drive. Blood health professionals from Belize City will be here in San Pedro to conduct the services and the support of the general public is very much needed in order to collect as much blood as possible. The blood units collected belong to everyone and will be given to anyone who is in need of it, through the help of the San Pedro Cancer Society.

Come on out and be a part of the blood drive on Saturday, February 11, 2012 at San Carlos Medical Center. For any questions whether you can donate or other ways you can help, feel free to contact Miguel Perez at 600-2129 or at miguelperez_13@hotmail.com.

*Age must be 18 – 65 years.
*Must have eaten an adequate size meal before blood donation.
*Must wait three (3) months after the last blood donation.
*Last tattoo must be at least three (3) months old.
*Must be a week after last menstruation.
*Must be a year since last major surgery, transfusion of blood, pregnancy or miscarriage.
*Must wait two years after last malaria infection.

Iron content and blood group is checked before each donation. You cannot donate blood if you have HIV, Hepatitis after the age of eleven, asthma, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease or presently ill.

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