Below is the San Pedro Roman Catholic Church’s Easter Lenten Schedule – “I will prove my holiness through you. I will gather you from the ends of the earth: I will pour water on you and wash away all your sins. I will give you a new spirit within you, says the Lord.” – Ez 36:23-26
*Via Cruses (Stations of the Cross)
March 30, 2012
*Palm Sunday, April 1, 2012
7:00a.m. Mass
Blessing of Palm – R.C. School
8:00a.m. Mass
*Holy Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Chrism Mass (Holy Redeemer Cathedral, Belize City)
*Holy Thursday, April 4, 2012
5:00p.m. Washing of the Feet (Lord’s Last Supper)
8:00p.m. – 12:00 midnight Adoration
*Good Friday, April 6, 2012
4:00a.m. Way of the Cross (around Town)
12:00p.m. – 3:00p.m. 7 Last Words
3:00p.m. Verenation of the Cross
5:00p.m. Procession (around Town)
*Easter Vigil Mass, April 7, 2012
*Easter Sunday, April 8, 2012
7:30a.m. Encuentro
8:00a.m. Mass
10:00a.m. Mass
7:00p.m Mass (Spanish)