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SP Health Fair To Assist with Blood Drive And More

The Belize National Blood Transfusion Service In collaboration With The San Pedro Cancer Society

It is through the collaborative efforts of:
The Belize Blood Donor Service, Belize Council for the Visually Impaired, Belize Diabetes Association – San Pedro Branch, Escape Day Spa, National Drug Abuse Control Council – San Pedro Branch, San Pedro Cancer Society, San Pedro Lions Club, The Palms and Tropic Air that we are pleased to announce a health fair set for Saturday, 8th of September, 2012.

The event is scheduled to begin at 8:30 am at the Lions Den. Services provided will include:

Drug Abuse Education and Information – Complimentary (NDACC)
Blood Donations – A call to all blood donors (BBDS & SPCS)
Blood Glucose Test – Complimentary (BDA – San Pedro Branch)
Stress Relief Massages – Complimentary (Escape Spa)
Eye Exams – Complimentary (SP Lions Club & BCVI)

Food and Drinks will be on sale. Any other organizations or entities that can contribute or be a part of the Health Fair, please contact us as soon as possible.

Miguel Perez

-Age must be from 18 – 65
-Must have eaten an adequate sized meal before blood donation
-Must wait three months after the last blood donation
-Last tattoo must be at least a year old
-Must be a week after last menstruation
-Must be a year since last major surgery, transfusion of blood, pregnancy, miscarriage
-Must wait two years after last malaria infection

Facts About Blood:
-Blood is not sold
-Blood is a living tissue
-The average adult has between 10 – 12 pints of blood of which only 8 pints are used at a time.
-Iron content and blood grouping is checked before each donation.

You Cannot Donate Blood If You:
Have HIV, Hepatitis, Asthma, Hypertension, Diabetes, Heart Disease or if you are presently ill.                                 

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