Ambergris Caye High School Information Meeting

The Board of Directors for the newly formed Ambergris Caye High School invite you to a Parent/Student information meeting; Monday, 25 February 2013 at 7:00 PM upstairs at Fido’s.

Ambergris Caye High School is a private, Texas Accredited, Online School. Enrollment for the Fall semester is limited to 15 and spots will fill up fast. ACHS has a longer school year, 208 days, and a longer school day, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. In addition to offering all of the academic courses necessary to receive a diploma from the Texas Tech Independent High School District, students will have ample opportunity to participate in sports (sailing and SCUBA diving) and community service.

If you are looking for an alternative high school for your child, come to the meeting and get all of your questions answered. Ambergris Caye High School could be just the solution you are looking for.

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