Condolences to the Family of the Late Jeffrey Eiley

Farewell Jeffrey Eiley

Sunrise: June13, 1983

Sunset: March 6, 2014

Those who believe in Christ and live in Him are not afraid of death because they know that death is the beginning of a new and everlasting life with God in Heaven.

It is with profound sadness that we take notice of the passing on of Jeffrey Eiley, who left this Earth at the tender age of 30. He is survived by his parents, Norman and Susana Eiley and by his siblings Olive Dominguez, Tracy Gomez, and Francis Eiley. Jeffrey will be missed immensely by a large family of Arceo’s and Eiley’s as well by his single daughter Valeria. Hundreds of friends shed tears for Jeffrey as well as hundreds applaud his life, achievements and his fun personality. Never a dull moment with Jeffrey! Always a pleasant memory to relive. He lived a short life, only 30 years, but a long life of excitement, camaraderie, and simple joy.

Ambergris Today joins the community of friends in the Sanpedrano Farewell offered to Jeffrey Eiley. We are not ready to let you go but our farewell is not our choice, so we bid you good-bye letting you know that even though you are in a better place than us, we would still want you here.  However, adios, and rest in peace in the Glory of God in Heaven.

Rest in Peace Jeffrey Eiley


Eulogy of Jeffrey Eiley
Jeffrey was born in San Pedro on June 13, 1983 as the 3rd child of Norman & Susana Eiley.  Jeffrey was a charming little boy that had a passion for planes and gained much fame for his love for dancing. Always the performer whether making sure everyone laughed from his jokes or dancing to Richie Valance “ La Bamba” and Micheal Jackson “Beat it” at every Island event. As a little boy when asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, his answer would be “ I want to get Married!”  
At an early age, Jeffrey had a ability to develop strong relationships with his friends and cousins whom are all here today and whom he cherished. He referred to them as his brothers and sisters. Jeff made sure that they knew how much he loved them and showed it in his unique way. When his friends started having families of their own he was there to celebrate the birth of all these kids he loved so much and who adored him in return. He was the most wanted godfather for his best friend children and was the proudest to stand by their side, remembering every special occasion in their lives and making sure his duties as Godfather and Compadre were fulfilled. 
Although he decided at a young age that he was not meant for school, he had a plan to become the best tour guide he can ever be. His childhood years spent working alongside his father on the “ Southern Beauty” nourished his love and education for the sea. Many days were spent watching the discovery channel and teaching himself all he can about marine life and the world.  He was known to be one of the very best guides for the many many snorkeling trips he had led to his beloved Hol Chan Marine Reserve. Tourists frequently commented that if there was a species of fish in Hol Chan they wanted to see, Jeffrey would know where to find it. He loved telling people on his tours that “the sea is my playground and the reef is my white picket fence”
Many remember Jeff growing up on Trigger fish street but know that when you wanted to find him he was at the end of Tarpon Street, always surrounded by his best buddies and the friends who he considered family. Always the jokester, there were many days spent in roaring laughter sharing all the stories and the many pranks Jeff could come up with.  
3 ? years ago Lea Miron gave Jeff his most treasured gift, and beautiful baby girl, Valeria. He wanted so much to see her grow and show her what he had learnt about the sea he loved so much. He loved the sound of her sweet voice calling him “Daddy!”
Jeff’s smile made instant friends with everyone and loved by all. His life was tragically ended by violence.  From heaven, Jeff watches us here today supporting one another as we grieve his loss and bid him farewell. We wear these white ribbons and seashells as a remembrance that Jeff believed that we lived in the most beautiful place on earth and in no way we should let it be ruined.
Jeff was a wonderful Son, an Amazing Brother, a proud father and the most loving friend to us all.  We say “see you later” today and hold memories of him close to our hearts the same way he held us close to his. 


Eulogy of Jeffrey Eiley

Jeffrey was born in San Pedro on June 13, 1983 as the 3rd child of Norman & Susana Eiley.  Jeffrey was a charming little boy that had a passion for planes and gained much fame for his love for dancing. Always the performer whether making sure everyone laughed from his jokes or dancing to Richie Valance “ La Bamba” and Micheal Jackson “Beat it” at every Island event. As a little boy when asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, his answer would be “ I want to get Married!”  

At an early age, Jeffrey had a ability to develop strong relationships with his friends and cousins whom are all here today and whom he cherished. He referred to them as his brothers and sisters. Jeff made sure that they knew how much he loved them and showed it in his unique way. When his friends started having families of their own he was there to celebrate the birth of all these kids he loved so much and who adored him in return. He was the most wanted godfather for his best friend children and was the proudest to stand by their side, remembering every special occasion in their lives and making sure his duties as Godfather and Compadre were fulfilled. 

Although he decided at a young age that he was not meant for school, he had a plan to become the best tour guide he can ever be. His childhood years spent working alongside his father on the “ Southern Beauty” nourished his love and education for the sea. Many days were spent watching the discovery channel and teaching himself all he can about marine life and the world.  He was known to be one of the very best guides for the many many snorkeling trips he had led to his beloved Hol Chan Marine Reserve. Tourists frequently commented that if there was a species of fish in Hol Chan they wanted to see, Jeffrey would know where to find it. He loved telling people on his tours that “the sea is my playground and the reef is my white picket fence.”

Many remember Jeff growing up on Trigger fish street but know that when you wanted to find him he was at the end of Tarpon Street, always surrounded by his best buddies and the friends who he considered family. Always the jokester, there were many days spent in roaring laughter sharing all the stories and the many pranks Jeff could come up with.  

Three and a half years ago Lea Miron gave Jeff his most treasured gift, and beautiful baby girl, Valeria. He wanted so much to see her grow and show her what he had learnt about the sea he loved so much. He loved the sound of her sweet voice calling him “Daddy!”

Jeff’s smile made instant friends with everyone and loved by all. His life was tragically ended by violence.  From heaven, Jeff watches us here today supporting one another as we grieve his loss and bid him farewell. We wear these white ribbons and seashells as a remembrance that Jeff believed that we lived in the most beautiful place on earth and in no way we should let it be ruined.

Jeff was a wonderful Son, an Amazing Brother, a proud father and the most loving friend to us all. We say “see you later” today and hold memories of him close to our hearts the same way he held us close to his. 

Rest in Peace Jeffrey Eiley

Rest in Peace Jeffrey Eiley

Rest in Peace Jeffrey Eiley

Rest in Peace Jeffrey Eiley

Rest in Peace Jeffrey Eiley

Rest in Peace Jeffrey Eiley

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