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People’s United Party Public Meeting

People’s United Party – Belize Rural South Campaign 2014-2015

The PUP – Belize Rural South members, its advisors and supporters commit to make this campaign season 2014-2015 a clean, respectable and constructive one.

We insist that it is extremely necessary to avoid personal attacks for the sole purpose of giving the many issues our community faces the light they deserve.

It is our duty and obligation to ensure the election of professional and respectful candidates and will work diligently in keeping this election’s campaign on a professional level. We also acknowledge that it is not necessary to bring down our competitors in order to make us better candidates. We are under greatest confidence that our candidates have and will continue to be outstanding members of this community and that alone will lead this campaign trail to victory.

Through this medium we would like to extend an invitation to the general public to attend a meeting to be held Friday, May 30, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. at the Belize Rural South PUP Office, across from the Lion’s Den on Pelican Street. We will be presenting our candidates for the municipal elections, Mayoral Candidate Dr. Giovanni Solorzano, Councilors: Conchita Flota, Omar Guerrero, Marina Kay, Alex Noralez, Mundo Nunez, and Wally Nunez Jr.

We also take this opportunity to thank and welcome the many new faces that have joined us on this trial to victory. We have been working day and night to make our party, the Peoples United Party, the party which this community loves and deserves.

United We Stand, Together We Serve!

Yours in Service,
Nicholas Varela
PUP BRS Chairman

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