Saga Goes High-Tech For Halloween Auction

Top-rated excursions, luxury resort accommodations, dining and boutique shopping certificates headline the 11th annual Saga Spooktacular Halloween on-line auction – The San Pedro community businesses and resort managers and owners, have generously donated award winning dining certificates, exclusive resort and condo accommodations, adventure excursions and activities, boutique shopping certificates and more, in support of the 11th Annual Saga Humane Society Halloween Fundraiser.  This year, many of those items can be won on-line at

On Sunday October 26th from 11 AM to 5 PM, Saga friends and supporters will gather at Carlo and Ernie’s Runway Bar & Grill on Coconut Drive in San Pedro to celebrate Halloween “Saga Style” with games, activities, food and drink and the ever popular Saga Halloween Costume Contest, awarding great prizes. “Everyone in San Pedro looks forward to the Saga Halloween party each year,” says Saga board member and Animal Well Being Director Kathy Marin. But not to worry, she says. “If you can’t come to the party, you can still grab some great prizes on-line at auction site with all the proceeds going directly to SAGA.

“This fun-filled party is only one part of the annual Saga fundraiser,” according to Eileen Jamison, one of the original founders of Saga and owner of island favorite DandE’s Frozen Custard.

“The games and contests and food are great. The raffle prizes are fantastic, and this year’s Smooch-A-Pooch booth is sure to be a favorite. For those Saga friends and supporters who cannot be at the party this year, we have taken the best of the best items like free airfare on Tropic Air, luxury accommodations at award-winning properties like X’tan Ha Resort, and adventure activities and put them onto an interactive on-line auction system.  Now Saga friends near and far can join the fun.”

The Spooktacular party on the 26th will include lots of games and contests for pets and kids of all ages. There will be facepainting, paw and palm readings, celebrity judged contests for you and your pet and the Smooch-A-Pooch canine kissing booth.  All this, plus great food, drink and raffle prizes make the Saga party the place to be this Halloween. The kids love all the games and activities just for them, and everyone really enjoys the costume contest.  One family even dressed their pet turtles in tutus. “Now that was creative,” says Marin, “I can’t wait to see this year’s costumes and who will be crowned best-of-show”.

The auction opens on Tuesday, October 21st and will close at midnight on November 15, 2014.  Bidders are encouraged to check items often. “There are great items on this year’s auction.  I’ll be bidding on the sunset cruise for six donated by Searious Adventures, and I’ll be checking it up until the last minute. I’m not going to let that one slip away,” says Saga Humane Education coordinator Sandie Betz-Eisenberg.

Saga Humane Society was founded in 1999 as the first and only non-profit animal shelter and clinic in Belize, whose mission is to promote kindness and prevent cruelty to all animals.  For more information, to book a Humane Education presentation or to make a donation, please go to or email

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