Adopt-A-Bear Christmas program is back and invites the community to help in making a childs wish come true, There are plenty of bears still yet to be adopted. This year’s adoption centers are Sandbar, Wayo’s Beach Bar, Crazy Canucks, Marbucks and Truck Stop.
Here’s how it works … You choose a bear which is hung with care on one of the adoption center’s Christmas trees and purchase three gifts for the child identified on the bear … 1 item the child NEEDS, 1 education item identified and 1 item that the child WANTS. The location you adopt your bear from IS the location your WRAPPED gifts are dropped off to. December 16th is the deadline for your WRAPPED gifts to be returned to the adoption center.
The children who are part of this program were identified by one or more of the following organizations: Social Services, San Pedro Police Department, San Pedro Food Bank, Holy Cross School, ACE’s, San Pedro Aids Commission, Cancer Society and the Liberty Children’s Home.
Santa and his Elves will be distributing the gifts to the children at a festive event at 11am on December 21st at the Lions