Sean McDermott To Perform At Sunshine Scholarship Foundation Fundraiser

Sunshine Scholarship invites the community of San Pedro to join them in the foundation’s biggest and best Fundraiser event in San Pedro. A benefit concert featuring Broadway star Sean McDermott to be held on February 22nd, 2017, at Palapa Bar and Grill, starting at 7pm. Tickets are on sale for only $50 BZ.

The Sunshine Scholarship Foundation is an incorporated entity in Belize since 2014, providing scholarships to underprivileged San Pedro children. Since 2014, the Foundation has enrolled approximately 10 children in the program. Currently, there are over 20 children who need scholarships in order to attend school. As a result of this pressing need, the Foundation will be holding a huge fundraiser.

The community and businesses are invited to support a worthy cause and help in making a difference in a child’s life through education. The Sunshine Scholarship Foundation invites everyone to consider being a sponsor of this year’s benefit concert. The Sponsorship Category Sheet and benefit sheet is as follows:

Sean McDermott To Perform At Sunshine Scholarship Foundation Fundraiser

Tickets available at Flowers Salazar and Associates (Reef Radio building)

and at Palapa Bar and Grill – $50Bze

For any further information on how you can donate, information about this event or questions, please feel free to contact Joy Flowers at 226-3725 email: joyayflowers@hotmail or Eve Dirnback at email:

Sean McDermott To Perform At Sunshine Scholarship Foundation Fundraiser

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