Ariel Rosado Foundation Scholarship Opportunities

The Board of Directors of The Ariel Rosado Foundation is proud to celebrate five and a half years of service to Belize and thanks all those who made this milestone possible. The Foundation was established in January 2012 to celebrate the life of Ariel Rosado, an outstanding Belizean Role Model who died in a road traffic accident at age 28. In its first year the Foundation offered a total of fifteen (15) scholarships. Four years later in 2016 the number of scholarships was more than doubled for a total of 36 Scholarships.  This year 2017 the Foundation hopes to again increase the number of scholarships to a total of Forty (40).

The Foundation is now accepting applications for the following Scholarships tenable for Academic Year 2017 – 2018:

1. Secondary School Scholarships countrywide – these scholarships cover the cost of Fees and Books for a maximum of four years

2. Tertiary Scholarships to Galen University – these scholarships cover the cost of undergraduate tuition at Galen University

Application Forms are available through the following mediums:

a) The Foundation’s Website (

b) The Foundation’s office at 967 Ariel Rosado Avenue (Mile 3 Phillip Goldson Highway)

c) By calling telephone numbers 223-5674 or 600-6665 or 601-6131

Closing date for applications is Friday 9th. June 2017. Only fully completed applications received at the office by that date will be considered.

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