Painting Positive Messages With School Children

Dorian’s Angels took part in painting the 5-a-side court at the San Pedro RC School as part of the Quality Child Friendly School Initiative that the school launched earlier this year. During the Parent/Student – Teacher activities the community, especially parents of the school children, are encouraged to participate in these monthly session with their children.

On Friday, April 27, 2012, Dorian’s Angels joined the three Infant II classes of San Pedro R.C. School as their project was to give the 5-A-Side court a paint job and writing positive and encouraging messages for the students to see.

The first task for the parents, students, teachers and Angels was to completely paint the 5-a-side court white. All the past advertising spaces which were all faded and covered in graffiti were given a white wash. The children had fun painting the walls along with their little friends, parents and teachers.

Dorian's Angels Painting Positive Messages With Children at San Pedro Roman Catholic School

Angel Perlita removing ugly graffiti marks on the walls

Dorian's Angels Painting Positive Messages With Children at San Pedro Roman Catholic School

Angel Sofie with son Isariel Painting the walls of the 5-a-side court at the San Pedro RC School.

Angel Perlita was more than glad to help out and wasted no time in removing ugly graffiti marks on the walls. She even gave out some painting tips to the children. Angel Sofie and a fun time painting along with her son Isariel who is in Infant II.

The Angels then added a positive message with the help of another Infant II parent, Mrs. Iris Perez. The sign said “Children have Rights: A right to Live and Be Loved”. Other parents wrote messages such as “Do your Best”, “Children follow examples, not advice”, “Stay in school”, “Don’t do drugs” among other great messages.

Being involved in a child’s education and upbringing is very essential. Kudos to the school for having created such program and to all the parents who took time off from their busy schedules to partake in an important part of their children’s lives! The Angels were very grateful for being a part of this parent/student activity for the educational welfare of the children of our community.

Dorian's Angels Painting Positive Messages With Children at San Pedro Roman Catholic SchoolDorian's Angels Painting Positive Messages With Children at San Pedro Roman Catholic SchoolDorian's Angels Painting Positive Messages With Children at San Pedro Roman Catholic SchoolDorian's Angels Painting Positive Messages With Children at San Pedro Roman Catholic SchoolDorian's Angels Painting Positive Messages With Children at San Pedro Roman Catholic SchoolDorian's Angels Painting Positive Messages With Children at San Pedro Roman Catholic SchoolDorian's Angels Painting Positive Messages With Children at San Pedro Roman Catholic SchoolDorian's Angels Painting Positive Messages With Children at San Pedro Roman Catholic SchoolDorian's Angels Painting Positive Messages With Children at San Pedro Roman Catholic SchoolDorian's Angels Painting Positive Messages With Children at San Pedro Roman Catholic SchoolDorian's Angels Painting Positive Messages With Children at San Pedro Roman Catholic SchoolDorian's Angels Painting Positive Messages With Children at San Pedro Roman Catholic SchoolDorian's Angels Painting Positive Messages With Children at San Pedro Roman Catholic SchoolDorian's Angels Painting Positive Messages With Children at San Pedro Roman Catholic SchoolDorian's Angels Painting Positive Messages With Children at San Pedro Roman Catholic School

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