Dale Wallace Makes an Original Custom-Made Guitar for Angel Perlita

In March of 2011 Dorian’s Angels had the privilege of visiting Mr. Dale Wallace, San Pedro’s only luthier and well known guitarist. The Angels got to see firsthand how San Pedro’s only luthier works on custom made guitars and other special orders at his work shop; and boy did we have a great time. Check out the article: Dale Wallace – Guitarist and Luthier!

This past week Angels Perlita and Sofia paid Mr. Wallace another visit as we heard that he had been getting quite a number of orders for custom made guitars. Little did we know that we were in for a surprise as Mr. Wallace was commissioned by Jose Luis Zapata to make a special guitar for his wife, Angel Perlita.

Dale Wallace Original Custom-Made Guitar

Perlita was handed a personalized custom made guitar made from beautiful Belizean hard wood. Both Perlita and Mr. Wallace were a bit emotional, LOL! Mr. Wallace admitted to us that every time he sells a guitar it is bittersweet moment for him as he finds it hard to depart from his creations.

“I put so much work into these guitars, up to 200 hours, and I get a bit attached; but it’s a good feeling knowing someone will appreciate it and enjoy using their quality hand-made guitars,” stated Mr. Wallace.

Dale Wallace Original Custom-Made Guitar

One of Mr. Wallace’s newest projects is making beautiful ukuleles from our beautiful Belizean hard wood. For orders be sure to visit www.wallaceguitarsbelize.com or call 206-2445 and be sure to tell Mr. Wallace that the Angels sent you!

Dale Wallace Original Custom-Made GuitarDale Wallace Original Custom-Made GuitarDale Wallace Original Custom-Made GuitarDale Wallace Original Custom-Made GuitarDale Wallace Original Custom-Made GuitarDale Wallace Original Custom-Made GuitarDale Wallace Original Custom-Made GuitarDale Wallace Original Custom-Made GuitarDale Wallace Original Custom-Made GuitarDale Wallace Original Custom-Made GuitarDale Wallace Original Custom-Made GuitarDale Wallace Original Custom-Made GuitarDale Wallace Original Custom-Made GuitarDale Wallace Original Custom-Made GuitarDale Wallace Original Custom-Made GuitarDale Wallace Original Custom-Made GuitarDale Wallace Original Custom-Made GuitarDale Wallace Original Custom-Made GuitarDale Wallace Original Custom-Made Guitar

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