Our Intern Chandel Rodriguez

Ambergris Today is enjoying the company of an intern since last week. We accepted a student from San Pedro High School for three weeks as they send out the seniors for their annual Office Practice. Both commercial and academic seniors at San Pedro High are given the opportunity to go out into the working field to get a first had experience of the job market. They are assigned to different resorts, offices, banks, clinics and even dive shops.

We have the pleasure of taking Chandel Rodriquez under our wings and showing her the ropes around Ambergris Today! Now that we have fully integrated our services online there are new and more exciting jobs for our intern to learn. We have been keeping Chandel very busy with writing, reporting, picture taking, advertising, marketing and even designing advertisements and videoing for our blogs and stories. Chandel is doing an amazing job and keeping up with our staff. We are very happy to have Chandel on board for her three weeks of office practice and hope she is enjoying her time here at Ambergris Today. We wish all the SPHS senior interns a great work experience.

Next week Chandel writes about her Office Practice experience and visits her classmates working at the different businesses around town. Keep a look out for her article next week.


Office Practice Intern

Chandel hits the streets with Gerry for some ad hunting

Office Practice Intern

Some free ceviche from Estel’s as Chandel helps Gerry with his video blogs

Office Practice Intern

Chandel films Gerry for his Easter Promo Video Blog

Office Practice Intern

After all that hard work Chandel chills at the office with a fresh coconut water break

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