Is Danny The Man?

There is a new sheriff in town and he is sporting a new hat! Is Mayor Daniel “Danny” Guerrero the man we have been waiting for? There are definitely many issues that our island leaders need to address and we are in need of a serious purge to fix all of these problems. I believe that the solution to these problems are very simple – a strong minded leader who stands rigid behind his beliefs and does not bend to corruption. That is what we need.

The simple action of following the laws that have been set in our municipality is the easiest solution and the first step to start fixing these problems. There are so many rules and laws being broken that many residents believe (and know) that they will not be punished for, because past administrations have proven complacent about it. The laying down of the law is very hard and people will get upset, but it is the way to get things done right. It’s a hard blow that will seem very authoritarian, but people of the island need to be shaken up and woken up – we simply cannot do as we please and disregard all authority.

From what I have heard, Mayor Danny has impressed me much and I am now hoping that he puts in motion all of the actions he has mentioned. In his first address to the town after a few weeks in the mayor’s desk, it seems that he has a very good hold on issues that are of most concern to residents. At Reef Radio’s morning show he had great responses to all concerns raised and it looks like he is doing his homework.

My recommendation for Danny is to take control of the police department and work very closely with it. The main issues with most problems fall back to proper authoritative measures taken. He needs to work together with our Area Representative and flush out the bad seed at the Police Department and bring forth a stronger and bigger police force. With that department’s assistance, Mayor Danny can do much of what he is promising. We just need the sheriff to be strong.

During his discourse in the morning show he said he is ready to tackle a complete clean up of the island, getting a tighter grip on liquor licenses and bar establishments, lower the noise level at bars, crack down on houses of prostitution, fix the streets, drunkards freeloading at cemetery and football fields, drug trafficking, tax payments and much more. In all of this he asked for our help and indeed we need to play our part so that our mayor and his town council also deliver.

I call our mayor Danny and I hope that I can continue doing so; he campaigned under that name and I believe it makes him much more relatable as a person, as a friend and as a son of the island. Take the bull by the horns Danny and do what is best for our island and people will love you forever. I believe you are headed in the right track and a very important thing to do is to listen to the people of the community and be fair. That is key!

Is Danny the man we have been waiting for? If he is true to his word and continues with this momentum, then I believe he is the man.

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