News Transitions from Print to the World Wide Web

It’s been going on for a while now – major newspapers and magazines from around the world making the switch from their print editions to online publishing. It is not necessarily a trend but a necessity, a need of demand and supply. With social media dominating how fast information is spreading, media houses have to adapt to provide the fastest information possible.

Times have changed and the future is online. Ambergris Today is proud to have made such a big move at the right time. Our online edition of the newspaper is making waves and providing a much better service with lots more information, pictures, video and embracing technology and moving with the times.

I read this last week that popular US magazine Newsweek announced that it will stop printing and become a digital-only publication as of 2013. WOW! The article sites that the publication had been losing money for years but that they remain committed to the journalism that it represents. It stated that Newsweek’s decision is not about the quality of the brand or the journalism; that is as powerful as ever. It is about the challenging economics of print publishing and distribution.

Ambergris Today Online Edition

Ambergris Today’s decision to switch to online only also came at a time of challenging economics of printing, but also at the time when our readers were demanding more news and information and at a more timely manner; thus our decision to give our readers what they wanted.

Our main goal is to provide the best information out there on Ambergris Caye and Belize, to inform, entertain and enlighten the world about everything Belize. We all have to do our part in promoting our lovely country so that everybody benefits from the tourism industry, the main industry that will keep moving our country forward.

With this said, Ambergris Today is very proud of expanding its services by introducing our new travel section aptly named ‘iTravel Belize”. It’s about showcasing all of the great adventures you can have in our country, all the great food you can eat, festivals not to miss out on, places you can visit, people you will meet and the Maya world that is simply ‘out of this world’. It’s about traveling throughout the country and finding out of these world adventures and moments that will last a lifetime, be that you are a visitor or a local.

Prepare to travel Belize with Ambergris Today and iTravel Belize. Much more features, content and information to come as the site will be updated on a daily basis.

Click Here to Visit iTravel Belize

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