Los Carnavalistas

There have always been those who keep the Carnival tradition alive. Way back then it was Mr. Severito Guerrero the First who wrote songs for all the comparsas.  Then there were Mr. Fido Nuñez, a great promoter of the event.  Later on Mrs. Vilma Arceo promoted comparsas year after year raising funds for the Catholic Church. Today there are a few carnavalistas like Mrs. Flora Ancona and Felix Ayuso who keep the tradition alive but if we are to crown the Queen of Carnaval Comparsas it would have to be The Kumul Brothers, Rigo and Pablo, who truly put their heart and soul to keep this lovely Carnival tradition alive.  These “two divas for three days” forget that there is a world out there during the three days of Carnaval. For the divas it is sing, dance, and enjoy to keep the tradition alive.  

Los CarnbalistasKumul Brothers

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