Las Posadas

Las Posadas was very popular in days gone by in San Pedro as they still are all over Mexico.  Las Posadas is the re-enactment of the Holy Family looking for a place for Mary to deliver her firstborn.  All you need are Joseph and Mary, a doll, a stable with a manger, shepherds, the Angel Gabriel, three Wise Men or the Magi, and a group of singers to sing the traditional Posadas song.  After the singing, there is a piñata and goodies for everyone, especially the children.

In the Bible, the Magi were the group of three men who came to Bethlehem from the East to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 2:1-12.) They are sometimes known individually as Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar, and jointly as the Three Wise Men, Three Astrologers, or the Three Kings.

Las Posadas re-enactment at the RC Church

Las Posadas Re-enactment at the RC Church

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