Carnaval Back In The 1970's

There is so much history and colorful memories in this flashback pic.  The carnival dance is one organized by Jose Pacifico better known today as Spanish, and is wife Maggie behind the guitar.  They were mostly gringo dancers who enjoyed Carnival. Why not?  But look at San Pedro High School right in the center of town, I mean the village. There is no Spindrift building, no Pier Lounge, no Atlantic Bank, so you can see right through to the police station. Just ahead is something like a Town clock at Central Park, but it is the bell tower for the Catholic Church and the village itself. The R.C. Church is incomplete so you can see a piece of Sea Breeze owned by Seferino Paz and a piece Ambergris Lodge owned by George Stefanco  in the background.  But to the very end you see a big coconut plantation surrounding the recently built Paradise Hotel belonging to Jerry McDermott.  San Pedro High School stood strong from this building from 1971 to 1987 when it moved to its own building.  And then the face of San Pedro started its transformation with the expansion of tourism. (Photos Courtesy Harry Gwinn)

Carnaval in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye Belize

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