Our Founding Fathers

Close your eyes and try to imagine a Sanpedrano family in front of their home way back into the 1940’s. You probably would get a different image from what you are looking at.  You will imagine a thatch house like you see on the cover of the book, Twenty Five Years Ago, right? Well you would be correct to imagine such a scene but this is probably different because the family was a little better off.  Persons who worked for the Blake’s, the one-time owners of the entire Island, did get some extra help from them and were able to build their comfortable wood houses with zinc or asbestos roofing. Such is probably the case of Mr. Priciliano ‘Nano’ Gomez married to Eloisa Guerrero.  Not absolutely certain but quite likely the girls are Patricia Gomez Marin and Pinita Gomez Verde.  Indeed Sanpedranos have come a long way into raising their social and economic status. Hats off to our Founding Fathers and those who took up the challenge to transform our beautiful Isla Bonita.

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