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Aerial of San Pedro, Ambergris Caye In The 60's

This is the village of San Pedro in the 1960’s.  It extended from the area of the San Pedro R.C. School up north to the cemetery and it stopped right there. You do not need to imagine it; you can see it right here in this Flashback. There was no Phoenix, Blue Tang, no Wet Willies, no San Pedro High School, nothing all the way to the Boca del Rio.  Across the bridge there were countless miles of coconut plantations (cocales) here and there dotted with tiny wood houses where the coconut farmers lived. It was the same on the southern side of the village.  There was no Sunbreeze, no Ramon’s, and no Yacht Club.  At San Telmo by Marina’s Store, Don Severo Guerrero had a small ranch called La Ensenada and beyond that there were more cocales and small huts for the workers of the plantation. The Village of San Pedro was half a mile long; today it is over 15 miles long as a well developed Town dotted with tourist resorts amidst the coconut plantations. The landmarks of the village back then were the cemetery, Daddy’s Club, the park, police station, and the primary school.

Aerial of San PedroTown, Ambergris Caye, Belize

Aerial picture of how San Pedro, Ambergris Caye looks today

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