Father Robert Raszkowski's Dream

We have always been encouraged to dream big and we will achieve good things.  And so was the case of the San Pedro Roman Catholic Church which you see today.  It was a dream of Father Robert Raszkowski S.J. back in the 1960’s and he lived to see its inauguration in the late 1970’s about ten years later.

Why did it take so long to complete this dream?  Well, Father Raz wanted this church to be constructed with Sanpedrano’s money alone.  He wanted us to be very proud of our accomplishment. It took many years of Sunday collections, fund raisers, carnival dance donations, and fairs.  Besides this Father Raz refused to charge for wedding, funeral, graduation, and daily masses.

Once a tourist wanted to donate a large sum of money but Father refused. It was Celi McCorkle that convinced the guest to go to Sunday mass and leave the money in an envelope in the Sunday collection.

It also took many years because no one wanted to take the job of constructing the roof because it was required a few concrete beams and the span was very long. It was Mr. Juan Guemez, (RIP) who was brave enough to take on this responsibility and finally it had a roof.  Father Raszkowski was the most loved priest ever in San Pedro and thank God he lived to see this dream a reality.

Rest in Peace beloved Father Raz.

San Pedro Roman Catholic Church

San Pedro Roman Catholic Church -Present Day

Father Rober Raszkowski and Contractor Juan Guemez

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