Las Mestizitas in San Pedro Carnaval

There was not one Carnaval year in San Pedro that we did not see The Mestizos dancing on the streets of San Pedro.  Groups like Mestizos, Maya Indians, Cubans and Americans  and other cultures were normally staged on Sunday for Day One of Carnaval.  The second day usually staged the Rebels, Hippies, Negritos, Rock and Roll, El Torito (Bull fight) Twist, Mambo and similar current trends.  Finally on day three there were the scandalous events featuring criticisms of ugly bosses, adulterers, arrogant people, scandalous pregnancies, a renowned thief or someone who did a lot of harm to San Pedro and Belize.

Here are the Mestizitas, primary school kids, mostly girls, who depicted their dance, costume, food, jobs and even their language. Their song spoke about them and they danced house to house for fifty cents, some pop and biscuits, the afternoon off from school and all eager to contribute their collection to some charitable cause.  This was the flashback spirit of Carnival in the 50’s, 60’s and even the 70’s.

If you recognize anybody please feel free to share with us in the discussion box below. Enjoy!

San Pedro Carnaval -El baile de las Mestizas

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