Jeffrey Eiley, a Star Growing up in San Pedro!

From an early age San Pedro has grown to love Jeff. He first hit the spotlight at a tender age when he started imitating famous personalities like Michael Jackson and Ritchie Valens. At every festivity at Central Park, Jeff won the hearts of the audience with his great impersonations in singing and dancing. The highlight of his performances must be sharing the stage for Costa  Maya Festival with famous calypso singer from Trinidad and Tobago, Denyse Plummer. He did not just show up. No, he prepared for his shows, mimicking every detail of clothing, shoes, shades and moves. For lack of better descriptive words, we will simply leave you with these photos to tell his story. Enjoy “Our Jeff” (+) as we will remember him forever.  

Jeffrey Eiley, a Star Growing up in San Pedro!

Jeffrey Eiley, a Star Growing up in San Pedro!

Jeffrey Eiley, a Star Growing up in San Pedro!

Jeffrey Eiley sharing the stage with famous calypso singer from Trinidad and Tobago, Denyse Plummer at the Costa Maya Festival

Jeffrey Eiley, a Star Growing up in San Pedro!

Jeffrey Eiley, a Star Growing up in San Pedro!

Jeffrey Eiley, a Star Growing up in San Pedro!

Jeffrey Eiley, a Star Growing up in San Pedro!

Jeffrey Eiley, a Star Growing up in San Pedro!

Jeffrey Eiley, a Star Growing up in San Pedro!

Jeffrey Eiley, a Star Growing up in San Pedro!

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