Where is the end of San Pedro Town?

If you are wondering where the end of the town is you would have to go all the way up north to Boca Del Rio Bridge, cross it and then continue up north to as far as Tranquility Bay Resort. This is how expanded San Pedro Town is.

However, many years ago this Flashback pic indicates the end of the village of San Pedro. A post was planted right in the middle of Barrier Reef Street in front of Milo’s Hotel and the San Pedro Cemetery.  This was and still is a cul de sac and beyond that was Paradise Hotel. The post indicated to the few drivers in San Pedro that they could not drive beyond this point.

Notice how respectful and cooperative the people of San Pedro were- one single pole in the middle of the street and that was enough to stop traffic. Take note that there is space for a large vehicle to pass through, but they didn’t.  This is only part of the story.  Take note of the grass on the street, the snow white sand, the absence of the majestic Belize Bank, the almost total absence of vehicles and people walking on the middle of the street.  This “was” San Pedro- unsophisticated, romantic and inviting.

Where is the end of San Pedro Town?

Barrier Reef Drive Now

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