Humble Patriotic Celebrations in 1980

“It was the tenth day of September
The ninety eighth ano domimi.
When our forefathers won the glorious fight
The Battle of St. George’s Caye.”

This was the first verse of the historic song we all sang during the parade of September tenth. In fact children used to sing it during the school rehearsal one month before the event. On the day of the event there were two speeches, one from the village alcalde and one from our Area Representative, Honorable Louis Sylvestre (RIP).

Note that there was no elaborately decorated stage.  In this case it was only a platform with no backdrop. Behind the stage was the church bell tower and then the famous Blake House.  As for the coronation Lily Paz Nuñez was crowning Estrella Nuñez in the year 1980.  They were accompanied by the other pageant contestants. (Kindly identify them in comments if you know them)  In the center is Louis “Cuz” Sylvestre, the man in whose memory and honor the new sporting facility has been named.

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