San Pedro High Volunteer Teacher Visits Island After 35 Years

There is one thing Former principal of San Pedro High has done very well and it is to knock at doors of opportunity. This “seeking for assistance” has connected San Pedro High to:  British Embassy, Embassy of Germany, Peace Corps International, Lions Clubs International, Optimist International, Al Felly of Madison, Wisconsin, Goshen University, Nelson County, Virginia, and Lord Michael Ashcraft.

One such outstanding volunteer is Debbie Fedderke, a student of Goshen University in the 1970’s who spent time teaching in San Pedro High.  Goshen University students were required to spend time in a foreign county and participate in a cultural exchange experience. Debbie enriched the lives of our students and left footprints never to be forgotten. A few days ago Debbie was in San Pedro visiting with friends and visited our office to reminisce her formidable experiences; she could not get over the idea that her best female athlete, Elsa Paz, turned out to become Mayor of San Pedro.  It was nice meeting you, Debbie, and you certainly do have good reasons to call SanPedranos your friends.

San Pedro High Volunteer Teacher Visits Island After 35 Years

Yearbook pictures of Debbie teaching sports to students of San Pedro High School in the 70’s

San Pedro High Volunteer Teacher Visits Island After 35 Years

Debbie Fedderke paid a visit to former Principal of San Pedro High, Angel Nuñez

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