Nostalgic Downtown San Pedro

In this Flashback you are standing with your camera right in front of Fido’s in the middle of the street looking down south. A quick glance will tell you that this is the same Barrier Reef you have known all the time. However, take a close look and you will see major differences.

First of all you, today you will not be able to stand in the middle of the street without being honked at or perhaps even harassed by some lousy driver. Then look again and ask where has all that beautiful sand gone to? Jenny’s Super Store has been replaced to a four story commercial building and the historic Blake House has been replaced by Heritage Bank.

Central Park at the far end of the picture is totally different these days, with the town clock in the middle of the street and souvenir vendors lined alongside the park. Nostalgia sets in when you remember how different front street was like back in the days, but hey, such is progress and we are enjoying new perks of modern living.  

Downtown San Pedro

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