This Flashback has so much to comment on but the bottom line is that it depicts the last days of the fishing era just about to change into a tourism community. We see the last of the lobster fishing boats hauled up on the beach for renovation and a touch of fresh paint during the off season.
The boats still carried masts for sails but were equipped with a bracket at the stern where an outboard engine was installed. Notice the 20 horsepower Evinrude motor on the ground. We also see a few hobby cats, a sign that tourism had commenced in San Pedro. Oh there is a Land Rover Jeep, one of four vehicles on the island. Occasionally it was used to haul the boat up on land. Notice the police station on the side of Central Park. The little building with the glass window was the office and the side with the single small window was the jail. Do take a look at the wood circular water tank called a “curbato”.
These were so common on the island and provided fresh rain drinking water to every family in San Pedro. Take a close peek at the newly built concrete benches and a small basketball bang board. Of course there is the flamboyant 100-year old Papa Blake House, built in the 19th century after Mr. Blake had purchased the entire island of Ambergris Caye. And behind the mansion is the priest’s house called La Casa de Los Padres. This one has pretty much maintained the same characteristics. Did I forget to mention the two coconut trees that lived to be one hundred according to our old timers? So much history in this Flashback, perhaps enough to write several complete stories. We only wish we could identify the name of the boat. Can You?
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