Man of the Sea and Tour Guide Ambassador Abel Guerrero

Abel Guerrero Sr. has been a man of the sea all of his life and still has an avid passion for the sea and fishing. Born and raised in San Pedro he was an early whole fish and lobster fisherman.  That makes him an expert with the Hawaiian sling, hand line, spear, cast net, and skin diving.

Early in his adult life and with the advent of tourism, Abel transformed himself into a tourist guide now specializing in trolling and the use of rod and reels and fly fishing. He first operated under the name of Holiday Hotel guides and was known to help carry the passengers’ luggage with a wheelbarrow all the way to Holiday Hotel. Don’t believe us? Then ask Celi McCorkle another pioneer in the tourism industry. His knowledge of the sea and his charismatic personality has attracted many tourists who have become repeated customers to San Pedro and to his services. But Abel is more than a man of the sea.  He is a man of service to his community and to God.

He has been an active Lion member since1975 and has served as President and now lifetime appointed treasurer. Abel is also a Minister of the Word and assists as lay church minister of the Catholic Church. Abel has also been a hard working member of the Board of Directors of San Pedro High School. Though he is not 100% active as a tourist guide, his passion of the sea still carries him back to the sea to explore with guests and friends the many wonders of the marine world.

Hats off to this San Pedrano who makes our Flashback column worthy of admiration and appreciation and serves as an acknowledgement to the efforts of people who helped mold San Pedro into the wonderful community that it is.

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