GONE are those good old days when there were sandy streets all over San Pedro, like on back street and sand on Middle Street as seen in this Flashback. The sand has been replaced by concrete. GONE are the good old village days when children could play marbles in the middle of streets. Other fun games included tops, skip ropes, softball and football, and all the group games played in circles. Street games are no longer because of the heavy traffic on our busy “city” streets. GONE are the good old days when small Land Rover vehicles were parked in front of one or two houses. Today we see thousands of golf carts, large vans, big pick up trucks, and even 18-wheelers. GONE are those “good ole” days when when a fisherman could park his small boat/skiff with 25 horse power engine in his yard for repairs. Today we carry large passenger boats with 250 horse power engines that can carry 50 persons. Oh yes, progress does leave a taste of nostalgia.