Longing for Beach Properties and Sandy Beaches

Gone are the good old days when children living on the beach used to sit on the sand in their own yards and enjoy the cool of the afternoon under a coconut tree. Sometimes it was the entire family that would gather there go enjoy a relaxing afternoon while they waited for dad to return from a trolling trip with a catch of barracudas, king fish or wahoo. Today all the beach properties have been converted into hotels or business places.

Gone are the good ole days when lobster fishermen would pile up their new lobster traps at one corner of their yards in preparation for the opening of the lobster season which ran June 15 to February 15. There were about 40 local lobster fishermen that worked with lobster pats and the other man were skin divers. Today there might be two or three men that still use the wood traps and the rest of men are tourist guides.

Gone are the days when fishermen used to pull up their skiffs, or speed boats as they were called, right on the beach in front of their homes; sometimes right into their yards. Also gone are the days when fishermen removed their outboard engines on a daily basis and took them underneath their homes to wash them and to keep them secure. Today the folks use 150 and 200 horsepower engines, impossible to back them with ease. Engines must remain on the skiffs at the mercy of the  weather and the thieves.

Good ole days. Really and truly nostalgic days.

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