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Patty Arceo Extends Thanks

My beloved San Pedro and Caye Caulker,

I would like to express my most sincere gratitude for believing in me and casting your votes on June 12, 2011. Thus, allowing me once again the opportunity to represent you as the PUP Standard Bearer for the Belize Rural South. Without the support of you, the voters, nothing is possible, and now we have opened a door of possibilities, which with hard work, dedication and trust will become a reality. I assure you that this decision will not be in vain, for I am eager to work for the betterment of our beautiful islands, Caye Caulker and San Pedro.

I declare a victory, but this victory is not only mine but for the People’s United Party, and as our party’s name implies, we must remain united and strong in order to make the necessary changes for the betterment of our Islands.

I would like to thank Mr. Graniel and Mr. Reyes for their noble participation on convention day. We should all join forces so as to become stronger and undefeatable in the 2013 elections. We share the same vision, to strive and to uplift the standard of living of La Isla Bonita and La Isla Cariñosa. I guarantee you that I will work diligently for our communities on a whole.

I would like to convey a special thanks to my campaign team, who worked tirelessly week after week, to my family, who have always given me unconditional support, to my friends, and once again to you, my esteemed voters, for having faith in me, for counting in me, and trusting that I can make a difference come 2013 General Elections.

My manifesto is ready and can be accessed through my website at
All my love to San Pedro and Caye Caulker and remember that you can always
“Count on me”

Yours Truly,
Patty Arceo
P.U.P. Standard Bearer, Belize Rural South

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