Thank You From SP AIDS Commission

Dear Editor:

The San Pedro AIDS Commission wholeheartedly thanks all those who in one way or another helped make our participation in Carnaval 2012 yet another success for this group. I applaud the members who opted to dance during the three days of Carnaval and the members who donated or worked for this event. I also salute the “friends” of the AIDS Commission who joined in the festive dancing: Rosita Sturmberg, Gladys Bardalez, Sara Sanchez, Shirley Eiley, Mari Magaña,
Osvaldo Blanco, Marlene Paz, Alexander Valencia and Lola. Great job guys!

Gracias to our “Friends” who also donated. Special thanks to Mr. Javier Williams & Family,
The Liquor Box, Dilly & Sinoe Bardalez, and Carmen & Alex Eiley. Thanks to Mrs. Rosalinda
Santos for providing the tasty food following the dances and to Daniel Salazar and Martin
Ancona for their assistance.

Mention must be made of our driver Isaias Melendez and his assistant Dimas Silva (of the San Pedro Town Council) for their outstanding work. To Mr. Angel Nuñez for helping out with the lyrics for one of the comparsas and Sinoe and Dilly Bardalez for opening their homes so that the members use their place as the meeting and gathering area for the three days. Gracias to all the wonderful people of Ambergris Caye who supported the San Pedro AIDS Commission on this fundraising endeavor and for supporting our Tradition…..Our Carnaval!!!

Once again, Muchas Gracias a todos for a most wonderful Carnaval!!!

Felix Ayuso
San Pedro AIDS Commission

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