Road Repairs Assist in Access to Marco Gonzalez Maya Site

“Repair it and They Will Come”
A big THANK YOU to San Pedro Town Council for the road work being done on south Ambergris Caye. Repair work in the form of hard core has been done in the last two weeks to finally make the road 100% more passable. By no means is it a smooth journey, however, it doesn’t take water wings to navigate the road to just past the 5.25 mile point. I understand that the work will continue to the end of the island very quickly.   

I write this thank you with the understanding that by doing the repairs it is a boon to the island.  The day the work was completed to the Marco Gonzalez Maya Site entrance, we had some of our first visitors (even in a light rain) in a very long time. You simply couldn’t get to the site entrance due to the amount of rain water covering the roadway. From about Mile 2.5 to the end, only the construction and sand trucks could “safely” drive down the watery road. Now we’re open for business again.  

By doing the repairs, the realtors can show property, construction supplies can be bought, workers can go to their jobs, everyone can get paid which equates to paying rent, buying food, paying bills, etc. It’s also safer for the locals to drive down for fishing and recreation. THANK YOU AGAIN, SPTC.  It is a wise investment you’ve decided to make.

/s/ Jan Brown, Marco Gonzalez Maya Site

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