San Pedro AIDS Commission Thank You Letter

Dear Editor:  
On behalf of the San Pedro AIDS Commission it gives me great pleasure to extend a heartfelt thank you to all those who in one way or another helped make El Show de Las Estrellas 3 a successful fundraising event. I applaud the members who worked hard to ensure the success of this affair and salute the “friends” of the AIDS Commission who lent a helping hand. Great job guys! You know who you are!

Special mention must be made of our generous sponsors who were instrumental and supportive towards this fundraiser – our respect and admiration for: Mata Chica Resort, Tropic Air, Hon. Manuel Heredia Jr., Castillo’s Hardware, Cuello’s Distillery, San Pedro Holiday Hotel, Ellos Exclusively for Him, Romantic Travel Belize, Councilor Wally Nuñez, Councilor Gaby Nuñez, Island Torch Bar & Grill, Fido’s Restaurant and Bar, Grand Belizean Estates, Captain Shark’s Marine Center, Caribeña Enterprises, San Pedro Belize Express, The San Pedro Sun, Reef Radio, Ambergris Today, Reef TV, San Pedro Town Council and Domosa Decorations (Chetumal, Quintana Roo). We also say kudos to the ever-jovial Rompe Raja for providing the lively music and to David Marin for his DJ skills used during the show and Mr. Chris Nuñez and Mr. Silva for helping out with the electrical work.

Last but certainly not least A BIG THANK YOU to all the wonderful people of Ambergris Caye who supported the San Pedro AIDS Commission on this fundraising endeavor. Once again, Muchas Gracias a todos!!

Felix Ayuso
San Pedro AIDS Commission

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