All Young People Deserves an EQUAL Opportunity

Dear Editor,
Please allow me space in your reputable newspaper to discuss the concept of equal opportunity for all young people in Belize, as Executive Director of Teens Belize Organization.

Young people, as we all know, make up more than half of Belize’s growing population. They are the future of this nation. But the future is dim, very dim. If we take a closer look at the manner in which our young people are people “nurtured”, it doesn’t look promising for us. The system that is in place gives priority to the “more privileged few”, leaving the majority of youths, which are mostly poor, out there. The system locks them out. It shuts the door. The prize of fairness and equality is not practiced and will not be, until the system that “works” our economy is fixed. The LEADERS of today need to realize that if this is not fixed, BELIZE will become a “troublesome, fearful, and undemocratic “place.  Injustice will reign supreme.

I believe that all young people in Belize deserve the right to an equal opportunity for their potential to be unleashed, and for it to be “nourished” for equitable growth, in order to become someone.  It is time to move away from nepotism, and greed, and selfishness. It is time for our policies to be organized in a fashion that will aid in the positive construction of equal opportunities. I only hope the Government of the Day precedes with dignity to facilities this measure that will help Belize in the years to come.

All young people should have the opportunity to spotlight their God-given talent with a high degree of confidence that will enable them to fulfill their goal, and become a nation builder. Moreover, it is important for us, as young Belizeans, to know the challenges of what’s happening, and how we can overcome them. It is important for our parents to aid us, both spiritually, and physically too. If its education, there should be an equal opportunity. If it’s mentoring, there should be an equal opportunity for all. If its skills training, there should be an equal opportunity. Whatever areas there are, our young people deserves an honest, and fair chance so they can shine. Seriously.

Since July 2006, the Teens Belize Organization, along with its corporate partners, has invested over $30,000 in the positive development of young people across the nation. We have many initiatives which instill the values of RESPECT, DISCIPLINE, & SELF-GROWTH and focus the high points of Education, Entrepuneurship, and Community Service. Currently, we operate four major programs including the Miss Top Celebrity Pageant, the Personality of the Month Program, the Graduation Recognition Program, and The Look Program. Our philosophy is that all young people in Belize deserve the right to an equal opportunity for their potential to be unleashed, and for it to be “nourished” for equitable growth, in order to become someone.  It doesn’t matter if you are from metropolitan Belize City, or from San Ignacio, or Crique Sarco Village in Toledo. It doesn’t matter if you are rich, middle class or poor. What matters is that young people should be recognized, and given help to progress themselves and prepare for the future.  We are championing this fight. A mighty fight. Indeed, Indeed.

It is in this respect that the Teens Belize Organization is doing a fundraising drive to expand our efforts in promoting young people, and advocating for equal opportunities for them.  I will be celebrating my 24th Birthday on November 4th this year. And since I am the Executive Director, I am doing a 24 cents Birthday Drive. I am asking the public for their support by pledging 24 cents to the Teens Belize Organization General Fund. Or, if they don’t have 24 cents, whatever they can afford: 1 cents, 5 cents, whatever. The donation drive has been warmly received by the Belizean & International Public since its commencement, and I’m hoping to reach our mark: $500,000 by November 4th.  Since my launch of the drive, Mr Evan Cowo of Care Belize, have been really instrumental, and he was the very first person to donate $24! Thanks Mr Cowo, and I look forward to the support of the both the Belizean community, and the International Public.  Help us as we strive to be “The Belizean Inspiration: Nothing More, Nothing Less!”

Donations can be deposited to ScotiaBank Account # 400822. Our committee members are also collecting donations: to see who’s nearest you, visit our website at You can also drop off your donation at Coleman’s Café in Toledo.

At Teens Belize Organization, we cannot do great things, but we do small things in a great way!

Yours in Youth Advocacy,
Kenny Jacobs
Executive Director/TV Host
Teens Belize Organization/Developing Toledo TV Show

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