Where is the Equal Employment Opportunity?

Dear Editor,

Currently, I am a part time student at the University of Belize pursuing my degree on Business Administration. As I embark on my last semester I feel very excited to soon accomplish my goal of graduating and hence have more time to spend with my family and at work.

Today, I write to bring across strongly an issue to our Government, non-Government institutions and the private sector regarding the unequal employment opportunities for recent graduates. Gratefully to God, I have a full time job however; many of my friends that will be graduating are now wondering what will be their next step. Unfortunately, the majority will not be able to further their studies due to financial constraints but It will soon be time for them to venture into the work force and face the challenges of unequal employment opportunities. As I look back, I am cognizant of the fact that I have friends who graduated years ago and who are still job-hunting. Additionally, we have the group of graduates who luckily got a job but nonetheless the job had nothing to do with their areas of studies but more because of the mere need of income to be able to pay their student loans.

In light of the above, we can agree that employers are not giving qualified citizens an equal employment opportunity. Belizeans who have worked arduously and invested time and money in education have not been able to secure a job instead only those that have the proverbial strings to pull with our politicians get jobs. The saying, “who you know and not what you know” is a reality in our beloved country -Belize. Many of us undergraduates are getting prepared with all the knowledge and the right foundation, investing in education when those who have little or no qualification at all but the right political connections, get the jobs. The years of investment and studies are not being acknowledged and rewarded appropriately, specifically on the Belizean job-market.  Graduates have the knowledge to contribute to the development of our country and if granted the opportunities of employment all parties will benefit- specifically our graduates and our country.

We need to stop taking the snobbish behavior of our politicians who only make promises for equal employment opportunities and instead offer opportunities only to their close political affiliates or lackeys.  There is a need to stand up for our rights and show our politicians that they work for us and not the other way around. I am hereby openly, publicly and humbly requesting that the government employment recruitment strategy be changed and that the qualified graduates be granted that opportunity to enter the Belizean job-market.  The time for change is now in order to move Belize forward successfully. My time for change commences here and I will face it with the Lord at my side and with the knowledge that has been imparted to me I will definitely take all the necessary steps needed to contribute to that strategic change of promoting equal employment opportunities to all qualified Belizeans and not to the lucky political lackeys.

 A Concern UB Student

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