Island Resident Asking for Unity in CommUNITY

Dear Ambergris Today,
Please allow me a space in your invaluable news source to give my opinion and hopefully others may have the same thoughts and proceed to have a positive thought towards the benefit of our “paradise island” – a title we are rapidly losing.

I go online daily, hourly, and all I read is negativity on social media, news sources and message boards. Our beautiful island and people keep getting bombarded with negativity. Citizens bombarding hate against each other in our small community without remorse, with the guts to walk past each other with hate and no shame of it.

Thing is, these parties do not have an idea of who is affected. They simply might not care or are oblivious to reality. It is a sad reality the community is going through. Many that are affected by crime in this community, in my opinion, are the better citizens – the citizens who do for the community, those who care, some who have fought for education, health, safety, food and fundraising events for whoever needs it. Some of you who are reading this have benefited from these good Samaritans’ deeds. Good Samaritans who have lost a loved one through selfishness of others.

I have seen Fathers, Mothers, Brothers, Sisters, Uncles, Cousins and many close families go through a pain with the lost of a loved one; the life of a loved one cut short. I have never been affected by these circumstances but I do think deeply of the pain the affected go through and I know it is not a fraction of what the affected goes through. I know the same goes for the majority of our community…until…it hits you.

With this said, I address the community, let us prevent this. I speak to citizens and political parties alike, in power or opposition. Unite!! Begin with a smile, a hello, an excuse me, a sorry, a may I help you. Let’s cooperate with our police officers instead of bringing them down. If you would know the salary they have, you would be in shock they accept this life threatening job.

My bottom line:
* Minister Manuel “Junior ” Heredia – put on some shoes and start kicking criminal butts.
* Mayor Daniel ” Danny” Guerrerro – take off that hat and give shade to the needed community.
* Opposition parties – get out of your hole, do you need to be in office to do for our island?
* Expats – get off the gossip and let’s see action. Most of you made this island your home and income.
* Us business entrepreneurs – stop being selfish with our profits and assist for a better future profit, I tell you, our profits will fall tremendously if we do not begin investing in the future of our island.
* Citizens – wake up, let’s proceed in all aspects to take back our island, our “Isla Bonita”. We have limited time to make a change. Let’s proceed positively and now!

We know who we are. This is my opinion and many opinions will follow. I hope more of a positive than an offensive. This is still my opinion hoping for a better future of our priceless island.

Proudly signed by your servant,
Emeliano Rivero

Click Here for More Letter’s to the Editor

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