Disgruntled Tourist Says Traffic is Killing our Island Charm

We had just been on vacation on your island, a 3rd time and again for 2 weeks. Your traffic situation has meanwhile become unhealthy and unsafe for tourists. Our rental cart, so we were told, would have a top speed of 18 miles, just barely above the speed limit of 15mph.

During just one drive from Banyan Bay to town we have had the following vehicles passing us with excessive speed: Three taxis, one really unsafe looking pick-up truck, one extremely noisy Polaris, another too fast golf cart and even one empty sand truck. (we did not count the many speeding motorcycles)

All had left us behind in a dust clouds produced by their excessive speed; a speed far above island limits. This is not what tourists need and tourists want for their vacation. In addition, the traffic and parking situation inside San Pedro has become disgusting. San Pedro town must now be seen unworthy as a competitive shopping and restaurant/dining destination for tourists.

There seems to be no visible will that conditions on your island will improve but rather the opposite. It will get worse. Tourists want an environmentally friendly destination to vacation. Tourists are all in need for calmness during their vacation. San Pedro and large parts of Ambergris Caye do not offer this anymore.

We are probably one of many who cannot recommend the island as a vacation destination to others any more. We ourselves can’t see us coming back until mayor changes have been implemented.

San Pedro and the island are acting irresponsible and in an unsustainable, non-environmental way. Once seen as a winner by tourists, your island must now be seen as “The LOOSER of the Year”.

Nick & Rebecca
Bay City, MI

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