Gas Pump Stations Inspected in San Pedro

During the week of January 5, 2010, the Belize Bureau of Standards inspected and verified fuels pumps at gas stations in San Pedro. A conformance sticker bearing the Bureau’s logo, specifying the inspecting officer, date and location of the inspection was placed on the fuel pumps that were found to be accurate. These stickers are valid for a period of three months after the recorded inspection date.

When purchasing fuel, the Belize Bureau of Standards is advising consumers to note the following:
*The fuel pump displays a valid Bureau of Standards Conformance Sticker
*The fuel pump displays a zero value before the fuel is dispensed
*The accurate volume of fuel was dispensed

If there are concerns about the conformance sticker or the accuracy of fuel pump, call the consumer Protection Hotline at 0-800-283-5587 or 0-800-2-TELL-US or contact the Belize Bureau of Standards at telephone number 822-0446 or email at

Fuel Stations InspectedFuel Stations Inspected

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