Help Send Derrick to Summer Music Camp

Those of you who are fans of the High School band – Rock In Peace, know that Lead guitarist – Derrick Baños is a very talented young musician. Derrick Baños has been playing since the age of twelve and is currently a band member of a local band All Cayed UP (ACU), for which Derrick is the bassist, and the band has decided to try and raise enough money to send him to a well known music school in the US for a summer program.

The plan is to send Derrick to Berklee College of Music in the USA where he will attend a five week summer program in which he will take classes on bass. To part take in this Summer Camp Derrick will need a total of $8,000US ($16,000BZE) that will cover everything from tuition, application fees, housing and other school fees.

Fund raising has started and the band All Cayed Up is donating $5 from each of their CD sales and friends of Derrick and All Cayed Up have already raised a total of $2,000. Pledges for airline tickets for Derrick and a chaperon have been received and several local establishments have approached ACU about hosting fund-raising events as the summer draws near.

An account has been opened at the First Caribbean Bank to receive donations as well as a US and Canadian Account. Crazy Canuck’s bar has agreed to accept credit card donations and anyone willing to donate to this worthy cause can do so by contacting Nancy Scott, band manager of ACU at 622-4110 or

Let us help Derrick experience the summer of a lifetime at the world’s most prestigious institution. Each summer, approximately 900 participants from across the U.S. and around the world (70 countries) share in this unique summer experience–all instruments, all contemporary styles, and all levels of musical ability.

Derrick has exceeded the abilities of his local teachers and is proficient in rock, reggae, blues, pop, funk and country music styles. Not only is he good and playing the bass, guitar and drums, but Derrick has built two basses, a five string fretted and a five string fretless which he uses to play. Many believe that Derrick has the potential of becoming one of the world’s great bass/guitar players.

If Derrick is accepted to Berklee Music Camp he has the opportunity of auditioning for scholarships to Berklee. Roughly $3.5 million in scholarships are awarded to Five-Week students by audition during any given summer.

Derrick will study and perform a wide range of popular and rock music styles including alternative rock, blues, rock ‘n’ roll, and more. The classes will focus on the music of important performers including Aerosmith, Eric Clapton, B.B. King, Bonnie Raitt, U2, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and more.

So let us help Derrick’s dream of becoming a professional musician. For more information or for a donation call Nancy Scott at 622-4110 or

Help Send Derrick to Summer Music CampHelp Send Derrick to Summer Music CampHelp Send Derrick to Summer Music CampHelp Send Derrick to Summer Music Camp

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