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SPTC Responds to Circulated Letters & Tax Rates

Press Release – San Pedro Town Council – April 7, 2010 – The San Pedro Town Council feels deeply offended and is outraged at the accusations made in a letter recently circulated by a “so called” member of the San Pedro Business Association. The Council feels betrayed by this action as they have made it very clear to the San Pedro Business Association, as well as other organizations that its door is always open to them to discuss matters of concern. The Council feels that if they wanted to get answers they should have approached the Council first.

With regards to the issue of property tax increase, the Council humbly apologizes for an error made. The mistake came about as property assessment is due for the year 2011/2012 and not for the 2010/2011 as the Council mistakenly thought. The figures and percentages voiced are not the actual numbers. The Council is working on getting accurate advice as to the proper assessments for the preparation of the valuation role. Having received this, the assessment will be reviewed by the valuation appeals board. To this mistake the Council apologizes. The public needs to be aware that only a few of these bills show the mistake as these were the bills from persons inquiring about their taxes. Of the statements sent out, only two have paid. These persons will be notified of the error and a credit will be given towards their account. All others who have not paid will pay based on last year’s assessment.

Property Tax owners are asked to contact the Property Tax Department of the Council should they have any more queries or concerns. Again the Council asks the general public to contact the various departments when they have any doubts so as to be able to remedy the situation.

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