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Editorial – Summer Activities

The month of June is gone and with it graduations for all schools including sixth form to complete the yearly academic cycle. School is out and now what? Of course everyone is looking around expectantly for the next school to continue a higher level of education and they all have approximately two months to do so. Does that mean that education becomes stagnant for all that time?

It shouldn’t. We would like to recommend a good reading program to keep the mind busy and the education process ongoing. Reading for fun and discovery is exciting because the kids do not have the pressure of school work, meeting deadlines, or home work.

And there are plenty of good books at some of our local stores like A & R, Caye Supplies, Page’s Book Store, San Pedrano Stationery and of course the San Pedro Public Library. At the public library, once you become as member, you may borrow books and take them home for as determined period of time and then return them and exchange them for another book. We highly recommend applying for membership and trying to develop a lifetime good habit of reading for pleasure and discovery.

Another useful activity for children during the summer vacations is summer school. Though not a formal education program, children may learn a whole list of skills over the years including sports, crafts, cooking, sewing, computer literacy, painting, drawing and music. Summer camps in other countries include a whole long list of fun activities to include hiking, swimming, and camping out. The only problem we face in this undeniably productive activity is:”WHO WILL ORGANIZE THE SUMMER CAMP OR OFFER THE SUMMER SCHOOL?”

At one time the Town Council offered summer project jobs and activities, which was a start in the right direction. In the meantime if no one offers summer programs for the children, then parents ought to be innovative and creative and come up with some activity that may be exciting, fun and educational for the children.

However as a community and society, we insist that someone should come up with a planned summer school or summer camp for our beloved children of San Pedro. A few summer camps are taking place at the moment including the San Pedro Summer Camp (623-6921), Light House Christian Radio Summer Sports Camp (226-2198), Coral Edventures and SP Library Story Writing Workshop (206-2028). More summer camps are definitely encouraged.

Summer ActivitiesSummer Activities

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